Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


NT scholars and their comic books

Via Conrad Gempf’s blog I see that New Testament scholar Ben Witherington III has a blog. Not only that but but he’s blogging about the Fantastic 4! And Conrad Gempf posts a comment there about the one, true Green Lantern – Hal Jordan (though Alan Scott is also a favourite).

I enjoyed Witherington’s commentary “Conflict and Community in Corinth” (1995) when I was doing a NT Epistles paper a few years back. One of the few commentaries that was often not returned on time to the closed reserve desk because the student reading it was throughly engrossed in it!

Coincidentally, just finished re-reading “Green Lantern : The Road Back” last night, having seen it lurking in the library yesterday.


  1. Tim

    Just a pedantic correction, Conrad teaches OT not NT…

  2. Just following the LST web site entry.
