Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Digital Technology, Web/Blog Tools

Photoshop Express

Adobe make a version of Photoshop – Photoshop Express – available as a free web-based application adding yet another application type to the burgeoning area of free web apps offered to allow companies like Microsoft, Google and Adobe carve out their own corner of the internet – and hence a source of consumers to manage and advertise to.

After being initially released (see Adobe’s Photoshop Express and the big picture | Between the Lines |, the terms of use has quickly been updated in the face of criticism from potential users – Report: Complaints trigger rewrite of Photoshop Express terms | Tech news blog – CNET

Ernesto comments on using it over at Ernesto Burden | Photoshop Express — Sweet, Free Photo Editing Tool With Social Media Extensions.

I’ll be interested in checking it out – I don’t know how many times I’ve been away from home or the office and needed to edit an image and had an internet connection but no image editing application in the computer I’m using.