Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Comics, Faith & Religion

Anabaptist Superheroes!?!?

Someone recently pointed me towards Pax Avalon: Conflict Resolution, a ‘superhero’ comic book series with a Mennonite background. I can’t even imagine how that would play out, so I’ll try and get an issue or two and have a look.

There’s a review of it over at Pax Avalon by Steven “Reece” Friesen | ComixTALK

Pacifist comic book superheroes are few and far between. In my experience, even those espousing peaceful solutions (e.g. Wonder Woman and Dove of Hawk and Dove) end up in fist fights etc. more often than not, or are portrayed as impotent in the face of evil. I wonder how the Anabaptist dimension plays out in Pax Avalon?