Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Pondering the Singularity (Again)

Trying to nut out the 1000-1500 words I want/need to write about the Singularity, its various flavours, and its commentators. I’ve stacks of notes, written chunks about it before in drafts and papers, but can’t quite get the slant to these words that I want and need. That slant is not so much a description of what its proponents think, but rather how the ideas behind it form a type of technological eschatology – with its own heaven or hell, depending on which commentator you read. And then how that interacts with Christian anthropology and eschatology.

Anyway, if you want to read some stimulating (and mostly light) articles about it – including Vernor Vinge’s article/talk that kicked most of this discussion off – then have a look at the Spring 2003 edition of Whole Earth Magazine.

Related links:
The : The Ethics of Creating Consciousness – radio programme – featuring Marvin Minsky, Brian Cantwell Smith, Paul Davies.
Ethical Issues In Advanced Artificial Intelligence – by transhumanist philosopher Nick Bostrom.
AAAI Topics: Ethical & Social Implications – links to lots of articles etc. about AI and ethics etc.
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence