Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Deconstructing Bob

BobTheBuilder.JPG Just read Culture Watch – Bob the Builder. My simple faith in Bob and the gang deconstructed in a few minutes of reading.

Bob’s relationship with his workforce of machines has also prompted much discussion as to the socio-political leanings of the programme.  Is Bob representative of the entrepreneurial ideal of capitalism, as he monopolises the construction needs of his community?  Or perhaps his willingness to share the work and rewards with his happy band of misfit machines points towards a more egalitarian view of a society structured for the sake of the many rather than the privileged few.  Every episode of the programme passes comment on the society that Bob finds himself a part of, and his attempts to improve the way things are.  Bob has a wide social vision, but whether he works to reinforce and prop up a crumbling world order, or to usher in a glorious new age remains unclear.

See the link above for the full text.


  1. I though Bob was just a Man Behaving Badly??

  2. Rhys

    But what about the relationshop between Bob and Wendy?

    i think we should be told

  3. Rhys

    But what about the relationshop between Bob and Wendy?

    i think we should be told