Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Home with a view

I grew up just north of Wellington looking at this view everyday. Our elevation was greater so we could see out over the Golden Gate peninsula to the Tasman Sea as well as a greater sweep of Pauatahanui Inlet but the same bay was always there. There’s something soul refreshing about watching the sea (just like watching forests). The light and water colour change, the wind and tide shape the dynamics of the water and there’s always a sea-smell in the air. Sometimes I could spend hours in front of the windows or on the balcony with a book and a drink just looking at the sea. When I left it to go to university in Christchurch the sea was one of the things I really missed. One day I’d like to have a view like this – with hills for the light to play on, green forests to absorb and the sea always present.

(Click on the picture for a larger image)


  1. Tim

    I guess that hills with views are “nature’s way” of compensating Wellingtonians for the earthquakes!? On a more serious note lack of views is one of the things we usually give up (or accept greatly reduced opportunity) in the move to cities… With a few exceptions, you can have views or cafes, but not both… Actually with the exception of ChCh most NZ cities have a higher view quotient than most other countries cities, hills and quarter acre sections?

  2. I’ve just gotten back from the weekend in Whangamata and a quick visit to Waihi Beach – I couldn’t agree with you more…I too would love a view like that…