Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Faith & Religion

Stanley Grenz (RIP)

Progressive evangelical theologian Stanley Grenz died of a massive brain aneurism about 4am 12th March. I first encountered Grenz’s work in the class “Gospel in Post-Christian Society” when his primer on postmodermism was prescribed reading. Over the years I’ve picked up various of his books, and have used bits of his understanding of the imago Dei in my own research. His book co-authored with Roger Olson “Who needs theology? An invitation to the study of God” is recommended to my students as a good example of someone who holds that theology is essentially linked with pastoral ministry. Much of my own theological journey has been accompanied by his writing – challenging me and getting me thinking about theology.

I’d always wanted to meet him. Praying for his family, friends, colleagues and students.

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  1. stu
