Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Easing into Christmas

A very busy week last week and now time to ease into Christmas.

Had a nice birthday weekend with family and friends – Saturday morning at the Mainly Music Christmas gathering at church that Kim had organized, followed by walking through the last night of the ‘Drive-Thru Nativity’ at church that evening (that Kim also helped organize). We all walked so the kids could pat the sheep, calves and donkey and it was good – simple but good. Sunday spending time watching Mark at soccer coaching (IPDP – more info here), collecting bark for the garden and then having friends around for dinner.

Now we await the influx of my family, building to 19 staying here and at a friend’s for Christmas plus celebrating another birthday this week too. Easy after the past week or too (esp. For Kim who’s been the busiest).

1 Comment

  1. Stephen, a belated “Bon Anniversaire.” I’m pleased that you had a good day.