Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Sounds of Batman

Link off Monitor Duty: Lileks on Batman to an old (2005!) podcast about the evolution of Batman theme music. I still find it amusing that the 1960s Batman theme music is still chanted in the school playground by my children, even though none of them have seen the original TV show. (All that might change though now Prime is showing it after their Sunday morning Star Trek sessions.)

Anyway, I’m partial to Danny Elfman’s themes from Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns (the Schumacher sequels have been surgically erased from my memory because they were so bad – see here) , the animated Batman series, and the The Flash – Must be all that brass in it. Though I also loved the theme from Batman Begins. (And did you know that Wikipedia has a Batman Music category? Cool.)