Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Cyborg, Science, Technology & Religion

New Perspectives In Science and Theology Conference

Tansaa Poster A4New Perspectives In Science and Theology Conference will be held 27-28 July 2007 at the Bible College of New Zealand in Auckland. It’s being organized by TANSAA (Theology and the Natural Sciences in Aotearoa Auckland) and Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, and is a Metanexus initiative.

The conference speakers cover a range of specialties: Physics & Origins of life; Biology; Theology & Biblical Studies; Psychology; Media and Digital Technologies.

I’m presenting a paper entitled “Image-bearing cyborgs?”, picking up some of the strands of hacking, hybridity and hope.

Click on the poster for more details.