Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Cyberspace, Faith & Religion

Wikiklesia: Voices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology and the Ecclesial Revolution

WikicoversmThe first volume of the Wikiklesia ProjectVoices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology and the Ecclesial Revolution – is scheduled for release on July 23, 2007. It’s a collection of reflections and essays by around 40 contributors looking at relationships between emerging (digital) technologies, spirituality, and the church.

You can find a press release here at: Wikiklesia Project: Press Release – Wikiklesia: Book One.

Voices of the Virtual World explores the growing influence of technology on the global Christian church. In this premier volume, we hear from more than forty voices, including technologists and theologians, entrepreneurs and pastors… from a progressive Episcopalian techno-monk to a leading Mennonite professor… from a tech-savvy mobile missionary to a corporate anthropologist whom Worth Magazine calls “one of Wall Street’s 25 Smartest Players.” Voices is a far reaching exploration of spiritual journey contextualized within a culture of increasingly immersive technology.

You can see the list of chapter titles and contributors (including me) at Wikiklesia Project: Chapter Titles.

The volume will be released initially as a eBook, followed by a printed edition at a later date.

All proceeds from the Wikiklesia Project will be contributed to the Not For Sale campaign.

More on the Wikiklesia Project at: Wikiklesia Project: About

Thanks to John La Grou and Len Hjalmarson for getting the experiment off the ground.