Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Student Views on Technology and Teaching

Student feedback on how we use technology (or misuse or completely miss the boat with) in teaching is helpful to making sure it’s not a barrier for students. Blog U.: Student Views on Technology and Teaching – Technology and Learning – Inside Higher Ed has an example of this kind of student feedback, including a list of things that could be implemented with little effort. These are:

  1. “Ensure that all readings, articles, presentations and videos (all course material) are available in the course management system.”
  2. “Create a weekly reading assessment that asks students to formulate or discuss the most important things you wanted them to get out the this week’s articles.”
  3. “Make your syllabus a living document and let students know about changes via class emails – it will put your class in the forefront of their minds.”
  4. “Use technology to help students engage with one another – create peer review groups for papers or discussion groups online.”

I do most of these things already, but it’s something to think about as I head into the next semester.

(Of course, it doesn’t address issues around students’ information literacy, e-literacy, and access to IT – but that’s another kettle of fish).