Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


I’ve got those Auckland blues

No, not the rugby team but a deep sense of being a stranger in a strange land. And it seems to have been getting worse over that last six months. Owen Marshall’s “South Island Prayer” seems to fit the bill for me,

Don’t let me die in Auckland.
Rotting in the heat before your
eyes are closed: a greasy take
away after the soul is gone.
Jesus, no.

Let me go with the old Southerly
Buster: river stones in the grey
flecked sky and that white wind
to keep your chin up.
Christ, yes.

In town yesterday I picked up a second-hand copy of Flock: The Best of the Mutton Birds and it has their song “Wellington” on it which starts

I wish I was in Wellington, the weather’s not so good
The wind it cuts right through you and it rains more than it should
But I’d be there tomorrow, if I only could
Oh I wish I was in Wellington

And my trip to Christchurch last year made me long to head south.

Anyway, enough moroseness. The CD also has the song “Dominion Road” on it (Auckland song) which I like and made me think about what other songs are there out there about NZ places – there must be heaps (though maybe not about Hamilton 🙂 ) A good example is Taumaranui on the Main Trunk Line by Peter Cape. So I’m on the hunt for a list – any clues?