Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Post-Chicago thoughts #1

I really enjoyed the AAR session “Religion and Transhumanism” I was presenting at. They were four of us presenting (see below) and the three other presentations were really good. I especially appreciated Jennifer’s material critiquing biases relating to gender and disability in transhumanist literature. (You can see the full blurbs for the talks here – just scroll down to “A1-134 Transhumanism and Religion Consultation – Theme: Perspectives on Human Enhancement”)

Returning to Eden: Reflections on the Transhumanist Vision of Extended Life with Respect to the Ascetic Tradition in the Desert Fathers
Todd Daly, Urbana Theological Seminary

The Glorified Body?: Transhumanist Dualism and Theological Anthropology
Jennifer Thweatt-Bates, Princeton Theological Seminary

Brain Uploading: The Transhumanist Quest for Immortality
Philip Douglas, Michigan State University

Constructing a Theology of Technology in Response to Transhumanism
Stephen Garner, University of Auckland

Some good questions from people attending the session and it was good to meet others interested in the intersection of trans/post-humanism and religion.


  1. Hi Stephen. I’m pleased Chicago went well. Todd Daly’s title sounds interesting. I don’t suppose you got a copy of his paper…?

  2. Hi Paul. I don’t have a copy of Todd’s paper (though I’m hoping to get hold of one). Perhaps follow the link above and email him about it.



  3. Glad to hear it went well. How did your paper go?

  4. Paper went well. Some good comments afterwards, and definite resonances with other sessions I went to. Also met some good people working in similar areas.

