Jennifer over at Rude Truth takes a look at the brief article on theology and “The Walking Dead” (Toward a Zombie Theology | Religion Dispatches), and argues that a cyborg theology, rather than a zombie one might be a better approach.
See rude truth: toward a zombie cyborg theology
Appears angels and zombies are the new vampires in popular culture, but that hasn’t really happened in NZ yet (apart from a flurry of angel and zombie-based fiction in the public library).
hey, thanks for the link! 🙂
P.S. want to share a fun resource that’s recently popped up on my radar…have you heard of Janelle Monae? She is just now getting some attention/critical acclaim here in the States–but here’s the interesting bit: her debut albums have centered around a narrative with a cyborg-savior protagonist. You can find an audio stream at her website, and here’s a link to an NPR interview: