So I’m looking at the ways in which new media stuff might work in teaching theology, so a report on a pilot project using iPads for teaching and learning at Trinity College at the University of Melbourne looked like it might be helpful. But it didn’t really have any substance, and in parts reads like an Apple commercial. The bibliography at the back with some research articles might be it’s redeeming feature. What I really wanted was some concrete examples or case studies on what they did with it, and whether they tried some of the same things on the Android and netbook platforms they also looked at.
Anyway, you can find the report at: iPad Pilot Report 2011 v3.pdf – Powered by Google Docs.
It did remind me to look at the Apple-focused ‘Wheels for the Mind‘ to see if there were any case studies of interest there.
Update: This issue (New Technologies and New Approaches to Higher Education Pedagogy : 20/1 – 2008) of the journal ‘International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education‘ (noted in the report) looks interesting.
There was a recent library journal report on portable device use in academic libraries, mostly kindle, mostly U Texas, and research done in 2009. All they really confirmed was the immense digital rights problems – we are much more likely to stick with laptops especially the mini laptops issued in KEIC.
It looks like at Trinity they were doing little more than sending out lecture notes to the iPads. when “iPad use reduces printing and paper use” is a key finding you have to worry.