Clearing out some links relating to artificial intelligence from my browser bar.
- The Next Web – How will AI affect my faith and religion in general?
- A few lightweight reflections on AI in relation to religion
- The Conversation – Could an artificial intelligence be considered a person under the law?
- Interesting piece on how law in certain parts of the world might provide a pathway for AIs to be recognised as legal entities in their own right.
- Den of Geeks –
Revisiting Star Trek TNG: The Measure Of A Man- I use this Trek episode in class sometimes. One of the best TNG episodes about what makes someone human,
- The Guardian – AI scientists want to make gods. Should that worry us?
- Newspaper piece on human futures in light of AI possibilities.
- The Guardian – Artificial intelligence: ‘Homo sapiens will be split into a handful of gods and the rest of us’
- Potential of AI to create greater inequality
- Radio NZ – Understanding AI: are the media the solution or the problem?
- Who is responsible for for educating people about AI
- Toronto Life – Mr Robot
- Article on Geoffrey Hinton’s influence on AI research