Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.

Science, Technology & Religion

Make peace with your biology

From the technology section of Adbusters The Big Ideas 2005 comes the article Adbusters : Make peace with your biology. Lots of interesting quotes like,

What do you lose when your life becomes more valuable than any other life in history? When your death is something you can’t accept? When pain makes you cower in fear? You lose what every human before you aspired to: the selfless desire to sacrifice for a future generation.

Which is a good point. How much of what we do, the placing of a protective layer of technology between ourselves and the world, is motivated out of fear of suffering, fear of death, fear of discomfort that paralyses us from taking up our cross each day?

Thanks to Jonny Baker for the link to the Adbusters issue.