Jottings on science, religion, technology, pop culture and faith from the Antipodes.


Thesis slog

Submitted two revised journal articles in the last week and now, before the final wave of theology essays arrives, I’m going to spend some time shaping the thesis into something that bears a passable representation to its final form.

As part of that process I’m making a mini-thesis – like one of the Grove Booklets. A 24 page document that is structured around the same chapters as the thesis, summarizes each of them clearly and concisely, and shows the connections within the thesis. Should end up at about 8000-10000 words (final thesis is 100,000 words – 250+ pages). People often ask, “What’s your thesis – in one sentence?” but sometime you need more words in the summary.

I’ve written quite a bit over the past 3 years or so but sometimes it pays to step back and look at the big picture again, rather than beavering away on some particular aspect and forgetting how it fits into the overall scheme.